Menywod Gorllewin Cymru
Women of West Wales
Prosiect tair blynedd yw Menywod Gorllewin Cymru (MGC) dan arweiniad Amgueddfa Arberth i ymchwilio i amrywiol hanesion menywod lleol a’u coladu a’u gwneud mor hygyrch i gymaint o bobl â phosibl. Ategir y clytwaith hwn o straeon amrywiol a diddorol gan sgyrsiau, gweithdai, arddangosfeydd a digwyddiadau sy’n dathlu cyfraniad menywod i lywio diwylliant Gorllewin Cymru.
Women of West Wales (WOWW) is a three-year project led by Narberth Museum to research and collate the diverse histories of local women and to make them as accessible to as many people as possible. This patchwork of diverse and fascinating stories is supported by talks, workshops, exhibitions and events that celebrate women’s contribution to shaping the culture of West Wales.